Do you qualify for First Time Central Heating?

Do you qualify for

First Time Central Heating?

Answer a few simple questions with our online tool to find out if you're likely to qualify for a First Time Central Heating Grant...

Do you qualify?

  • Home Owner
  • No Central Heating system ever installed in your home
  • In receipt of a qualifying benefit*

*Certain benefits accepted, exclusions apply

Your Home

If you are a homeowner whose home does not have and has never previously had a central heating system installed and you receive one of the qualifying benefits you may be eligible for a First Time Central Heating grant for the installation of a brand new system.

Your home must either have no heating or one of the forms of heating listed below:

  • Electric room heaters (Including Electric Storage Heaters)
  • Gas room heaters
  • Solid fossil fuel fire with back boiler
  • Electric underfloor or ceiling heating (not part of an electric boiler)
  • Bottled LPG room heating
  • Solid fossil fuel room heaters
  • Wood/biomass room heating
  • Oil room heaters
  • No heating in place

Your Benefits

The ECO scheme was set up with the intention of helping households on the lowest incomes to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their energy bills.

You must be in receipt of one of the following benefits to apply:

  • Universal Credit
  • Tax Credits (Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits)
  • Pension Guarantee Credit
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance

No benefits? You could still qualify under your local authority.

How Does the process work?

  • We will confirm that you meet all the necessary criteria
  • We'll then need to check what benefits you currently receive, your annual household income and how many children are living in your home.
  • We will also confirm your status (whether you own your own home or you're a private tenant)
  • We will ask for the current method of heating, if applicable, used within your home.

Having this information to hand will help us get your application processed a lot quicker.

Apply for First Time Central Heating

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